Ethics Line

Transparency and Trust are the building blocks of any organization’s credibility. At GFL, we hold ourselves and everyone we work with to the highest standards of ethics and conduct. This commitment to our employees, clients, suppliers, and other business partners guides everything we do.

Establishing an environment where the stakeholders feel safe in raising concerns without the fear of retaliation enables communication for reporting wrongdoing or any inappropriate or illegal activity. The Company provides ‘Ethics Line’ – an exclusive & a confidential channel for seeking guidance and reporting concerns about possible violations that is in breach of the principles of Ethics, Integrity and Transparency of regulations or applicable laws or company policies. Some specific examples of incidences may include but are not limited to the following:

Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms of Use, GFL grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access, use and display of this Website and the Materials accessible thereon. All Logos, Brands and Marks, etc appearing on the Website, except as otherwise noted, are properties either owned, or used under license, by Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited and / or its Subsidiaries, Group companies or Associates who feature on this Website. You agree not to interrupt or attempt to interrupt the operation of the Website in any manner. The use of these properties or any other content on this Website, except as provided in these terms and conditions or in the Website content, is strictly prohibited. You may not sell or modify the content of this Website or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the materials/information in any way for any public or commercial or litigation purpose without the respective organization’s or entity's written permission.

  • Unlawful discrimination

  • Harassment (sexual, mental etc.)

  • Workplace violence

  • Substance abuse

  • Conflict of interest

  • Documents Falsification

  • Inappropriate gifts and entertainment

  • Inappropriate political activities and contributions

  • Insider trading or other securities law violations

  • Breach of confidentiality

  • Inappropriate personal use of GFL resources

  • Theft

  • Bribes, Kickbacks

  • Inappropriate client billings, payments

  • Inappropriate reporting of expenses

  • Other potential violations of policies

  • Data (Personal, professional) privacy suspected, or actual breach

  • To contact the Ethics line write to us at

    Our stakeholders internal /external i.e. Employees, Vendors, Suppliers, Service providers, Customers, Business Associates, Partners, Shareholders and other Stakeholder or third party are encouraged to report incidences and violation of the Code of Conduct or Company policies.

    GFL believes in anonymous reporting and is committed to protect the confidentiality of all its stakeholders. However, the details provided by the reportee may be the basis to carry out the investigation leading to identity disclosure of the reportee. The information shall be received by our Ethics Officer, which assures whistleblowers absolute secrecy and no reprisals as per the Whistleblower Policy of the Company.

    The Company has a non retaliation policy and strictly prohibits any form of retaliatory action against employees or any stake holder raising issues, concerns participating in an investigation and making a good faith report.

    Communication to Stakeholders

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