For GFL, Sustainability goes much beyond Economic, Legal or Regulatory purposes. It is a way through which we create enduring value for our customers, stakeholders and society at large, and become part of resolving the most unyielding causes through awareness & engagement programs. The Company is committed to mitigate the social and ecological impact of its business and aims to follow and promote sustainable business practices and co-create sustainable business value for its stakeholders.

The Company measures the impact of its business operations through 3 key pillars of Sustainability, namely People, Planet & Profit. Hence it makes continuous efforts to optimize efficiency across the environmental, social and governance framework. It encourages involvement from all stakeholders & ensures that sustainable framework policies are well communicated, implemented, monitored and reviewed on regular basis.



Corporate Sustainability Policies

Corporate Social Accountability Policy

Corporate Integrated Management System Policy

Policy on Sustainable Procurement

Responsible Sales & Marketing

Fair Business Practice

Responsible Care Policy

GFL Sustainability Policy

Enterprise Risk Management Framework 2017

Guiding Principles for Human Resources Management